Have you been frustrated by others not caring for you the way that you desire?
Have you been made to feel guilty or selfish about the way that you express or don’t express caring?
Do you tend to overgive in caring? Or maybe you’ve even had the experience of someone being offended by the way you were trying to care for them…or you were the one offended, but don’t really understand why?!
There are a lot of opinions and judgements around how you “should” care for yourself, your partner, your children, your pets, the global village…”Put your own oxygen mask on first”, “Always put others before yourself”, “It’s your responsibility to…”, Don’t ever…, and so on. Whew! This creates huge conditioning pressure to be, act and react in ways that aren’t authentic to you and that can leave you frustrated, bitter, angry, disappointed, ashamed and depleted. It’s even hard to know what really is your unique way to care.
Your ‘energetic wiring for caring’ can seem like a great Mystery that you can only uncover through trial and error…and even then, it can be confusing and difficult to put the pieces together. There can be an awful lot of upset around how we’re being or not being cared for.
We’re all uniquely designed — so how caring is received and provided by one person — may Not work for you. For example, some people are strongly wired towards self-caring and rarely want anyone caring for them or to care for others, while some are wired for collective caring- what is best for humanity, but are not so interested in what an individual might need.
But, if you’re contorting yourself into what you think you should be or what the other expects you to be around caring, it can lead to inner and outer turmoil, numbing out and eventually even physical illness.
When you understand your own energetic wiring, there isn’t any mystery anymore — you don’t have to guess. Things become clear and it brings a new level of empowerment, ease, acceptance and compassion.
…You begin to let go of judgement, guilt and shame towards your Self and others.
Fortunately, there’s a ‘personal user manual’ through Human Design — a system that provides a Map of your unique genetic design. Your map facilitates your understanding of how You operate and where you’re susceptible to conditioning by others and the environment.
It’s time for all the puzzle pieces to come together…It’s time to experience another level of Freedom and Alignment with the Whole of who you Be!
There are few Human Design Professionals formally trained in decoding one’s design in the area of sexuality and caring. But Margo has trained to the deepest levels in this science of differentiation and being your unique Self. She’s seen first hand how freeing and empowering this knowledge can be.
Adding to that, her intuitive ability and training as an Certified Intuitive Strategist through the Academy for the Soul with Christel Hughes, brings her to a whole different level of understanding behaviour and shifting shadow personas.
Margo will support you with healing the lingering shadow aspects that insist on clinging to old conditioning. Clear the aspects that are holding you back from embodying the Truth of who you Be!
Note: To run your Human Design Bodygraph, your birth date, time and place are required.