Laurie Reyon’s Special Offer
Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah

Laurie Reyon

Reyon is an internationally known Inter-Species Communicator and Soul Healer.  Reyon’s gift allows her to speak to the animals and the Angels and translate their messages to humanity.  She recognizes the Cetaceans as the ancients Beings and Master Healers on this planet.  Reyon works in sacred partnership with Master Cat Puddah, and the Whales and Dolphins. 


Reyon is a collaborating author of the bestselling book: “Whales and Dolphins Forever”.  Reyon and Master Puddah collaborated to create the film “ascension Guidance – Living in Your Sacred Heart.”  This is the first film ever created by a human and a Master Cat that shares her wisdom with the world about consciousness and the next step in our evolution.  


Reyon facilitates Spiritual Cetacean Journeys, which are retreats all over the world where people can interact and swim with wild and free dolphins and whales. 2020 locations include Hawaii, Bimini, Mexico and Moorea.


Reyon is the founder of the Whale and Dolphins Energy Medicine School, now training certified Practitioners in the art of Whale & Dolphin Healing and DNA recalibration.


Special Offer Packages with Laurie Reyon

Package A

Self-Empowerment and Intuition Development Package

Total Value: $287

5 PRODUCTS and 3 WORKSHOPS to assist you in your Self-Empowerment and the Development of your Intuition


Develop your Telepathic abilities to communicate with your Higher Self, your Master Guides and Animals.  Experience personal healing and messages from the Great Whales and Dolphins.  Also, a class with the Master Soul of Seth to discover Who You Really, as you trace your own Star Lineage back 100,000 years ago

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Five Products

Ascension Guidance the Movie

Value $22

Ascension Guidance – the CD Download

Value $15

“Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah Speak” – the CD Download

Value $15

Messages from the Great Whales & Dolphins – Download

Value $18

Guided Meditations with the Great Whales & Dolphins – Download

Value $18

Classes and Workshops

Video Recordings in our Zoom Room with handouts

How to Channel a Being of Light – 4 Week Workshop – 8 hrs
Value $111

Would you like information and support on channeling a Being of Light and Love? Take class with Master Puddah who is a Soul aspect of Seth. Topics included in the class series are: Self-Empowerment in Your Life, to Raise Your Vibration and expand your consciousness, receive messages that benefit humanity, to write a book, create a class, to assist others through coaching, teaching or spiritual processes.

Animal Communication Workshop – 3 hrs
Value $33

This workshop is for those seeking to communicate clearly with their animal friends and companions. Processes are taught that assist in individual and group communication with our animal friends to connect both physically and soulfully. Processes are taught that assist you in activating your 3rd Eye or Pineal gland.

Remember Who You Really Are – Connect to Your Galactic Lineage “Speak to Seth” – 3 hrs
Value $55

You will learn and experience: Who you really are as a Soul, Find out your Galactic history, Trace Your Star Lineage with “Seth” and access your Akashic Records, What you are here on Earth to do Now?, How to live beyond duality & limitation, and Tools to use immediately in your daily life to shift your vibration to your True Reality. Taught by Laurie Reyon with Channels from Seth (the original Soul).

Package B

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Private Session With Laurie Reyon

Value $122



A 1hr One to One Private Session with Laurie where choose what to focus on:

Animal Communication

Life Path Soul Sessions (speak to your Guides and Higher Self)

Akashic Record Sessions (access to your Soul’s journey over every lifetime)

Healing: Whale & Dolphin Energy Light Clearings, Light Body Activations and DNA Calibration

Package C

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Self-Empowerment and Intuition Development Package Plus Private Session

Value $409

Includes everything from Package A above, PLUS:

Private Session with Laurie

Enjoy private session work with Laurie Reyon and Master Cat Puddah.

You may select from the following options:

    • Animal Communication
    • Life Path Soul Sessions (speak to your Guides and Higher Self)
    • Akashic Record Sessions (access to your Soul’s journey over every lifetime)
    • Healing: Whale & Dolphin Energy Light Clearings, Light Body Activations and DNA Calibration



The Total Value is $287

DISCOUNT: 48% – YOU SAVE $138 





On the MUNDANE TO MAGICAL Summit only, this SPECIAL OFFER is available for only


Also available in 2 payments email



The Total Value is $122



A 1hr 1:1 private session with Laurie Reyon where you choose what to focus on:
A Life Path Session

Akashic Records Session

Whale Healing and Clearing or an

Animal Communication session.



On the MUNDANE TO MAGICAL Summit only, this SPECIAL OFFER is available for only


Also available in 2 payments email



The Total Value is $409

DISCOUNT: 45% – YOU SAVE $185 




On the MUNDANE TO MAGICAL Summit only, this SPECIAL OFFER is available for only


Also available in 2 payments email


“I want to thank you, Puddah and SamUel for the wonderful class Sunday. I just loved it and the information and processes were themselves a real priceless gift of healing and transformation. Thank you for all you do to raise the consciousness of Humanity so selflessly and with so much passion and Heart. You are All a huge blessing, not only to your spiritual family but to Humanity and the Ascension process at this time.”

~ Anne

“I want to thank you for your hospitality and opening your home to us. I enjoyed meeting and talking to you and also of course interacting with your 2 very Enlightened companions Puddah and Sam. Puddah is indeed “Stunning” and “Extraordinary” and hilariously funny and many other good things too many to mention. And Sweet Loving Sam who gently coaxed to me to release the allergy pattern I was running for so many years. I still carry the sound of the Whales and Dolphins in my heart.”

~ Gina Crystal

“I have wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the meditation you did on the last MasterWorks healing site with the whales. It has literally changed my life. I realized I had all this anger and fear of people in my body, from not being touched and loved as a child, so I asked the whales to change my DNA to reorient that, and they did. It was so easy, and now I can be around people, and love them, and be grateful for all the beauitful people in the world. It is amazing, after 44 years I did not know if I could ever release that over arching fear, and they did it so quickly, so lovingly. Thank you Laurie and Puddah for the service you are to all of us here, and the guiding light you are.”

~ Holly Jaleski

“I have been thinking about writing to thank you and Puddah for the amazing reading. It was perhaps the most empowering and illuminating I’ve ever had. I started writing on my own — baby steps — and plan to sign up for one or two of your courses in the fall. Thank you!”

~ Belinda

“Thank you so much for this wonderful activation, blessing, connection. It’s so nice to feel ‘inspired’ again. I would like to be with the whale medicine chants for group work. I understand we need to write you this request. Thanks over and over again for all you, Master Puddah, & Your Lovely friends are doing for the healing, uplifting of our entire world and cosmos.
It’s an honor to be learning from you, Beautiful Standing Whale Mother. I love the power point & mp3. It was such a joyous, light, fun presentation. Thank you for your love & light.”

~ Jackie

“Thank you for your blessings and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! I got me to thinking of the many things I am thankful for and the three of you are at the top of my list! Because of you(s):

    • I’ve learned about Animal & Angel Communications. This class opened the possibility of receiving a new kitten.
    • I had a Whale and Dolphin healing.
    • My sister and I experienced Blue whales and Dolphins and met John.
    • We received messages from the Whales and Dolphins and know them as guides.
    • I’ve become aware that I have a Soul. I didn’t know Soul’s were real. I thought they were a mythical thing. Now I can talk to my Soul and feel it’s presence. This is huge for me. Gina knows of her Soul too.
    • We received Lilli, our Angel kitten. She is teaching us many lessons.
    • I talked to Binkie (cat) and Bear (tortoise) about the nephew kitten and received wisdom from both of them.
    • I’ve talked to Seth, the Soul of Master Puddah in your workshop. . Coming full circle from reading about Seth as a teen.
    • I learned about Andara Crystals and the Crystal skull, drawing me to learn more.

The gifts keep coming as our awareness expands. Thank you so much for forwarding me/us so far along the path and allowing me to discover my Soul. I look forward to working with you more in 2015. Love and Blessings to you. May the coming year bring awareness to all.”

~ Andrea

“Laurie – I wanted to let you know too that the experience in Kauai was transformative and miraculous. The trip was about so much more than seeing whales, it was about connecting in spirit to our whale guardians and to each other and finding and supporting our healing paths. In that respect, the connection and the events provided everything I was looking for. I want to honor your courage in leading an effort like this – it is very difficult to be the leader, planner and (in some cases) lightning rod for the experiences of an entire group. You handled the pressure and the exigencies of circumstance remarkably.”

~ Cathy

“Bengal was found safe yesterday evening, just the next day after you told us you hoped we found him that day. He was hiding in a storm drain on a street not far from the area you told us he was. He called out to two ladies with their two girls. Just the day before, you had been telling Bengal it was time to come out and call to somebody. Thank you so much for your love and support and your wonderful work.”

~ Curtis & Ada

“I’ve been thinking of you and Puddah today, and am so glad for the wonderful and healing class yesterday!

Today the land here feels even more blessed than usual and I think it was because of all the loving intention that was lighting up here as a result of your and Puddah’s presence and the meditation & time we all shared together.

So, dear Laurie Reyon, I love you very much, and thank Goodness I get to share these wondrous times with you. I’m grateful for your helping me and us bridge our minds and hearts to the Cetacean Nation, and to the millions of forms that reflect the One.”

~ Jeanne Arthur

“I was very glad to have your message and now it is saved so I can hear it again. Angels must have known I’d like that. Very sweet and most inspirational. You give awesome dolphin news; you are the best. I have felt a life transition and many of the things felt familiar but it is so good to have it laid out so beautifully. I have been connecting in the heart and I will re-invite the angels and dolphins as you suggest. I live on a creek but will go to ocean as time allows. Again, thank you!”

~ Dr. Susuan

“Aloha Laurie! Thank you and Puddah again so much for our consultation on Saturday! I just wanted to send you a love note to thank you sincerely and let you know how we are doing. We’ve both felt like we have become so much more sensitive to energies and have gotten back into our practice of meditating in the morning before work, and then in the evenings once we’re both home. I’ve been focusing on your unity breath meditation, and the flowing energy feels so good. It feels like we’re getting more in sync now which is really great. So we’re both wanting to do our part to keep growing together and have a happy life and your guidance for us now has been wonderful! Much love and aloha”

~ Malia

Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah

Laurie Reyon

Laurie Reyon is an internationally known Inter-Species Communicator and Soul Healer. Her gifts allow her to speak to the Animals and the Angels and translate their messages to humanity. She specializes in communication with the Great Whales and Dolphins and recognizes the Cetaceans as the Ancients Beings and Master Healers on this planet. Reyon is the Director of the Omni-Dimensional Mystery School in So CA.

Reyon is a collaborating author of the bestselling book: “Dolphins and Whales Forever.” ( Reyon is a film maker and in June of 2015 released the transformational film “Ascension Guidance.”

Reyon facilitates Spiritual Cetacean Retreats where you can interact with wild and free dolphins and whales all over the world. During the retreats you will hear their messages and to learn to communicate with them too. Visit them in Hawaii, Bimini, Moorea, Mexico, So CA and more.

Reyon is the creator of the Whale & Dolphin Energy Light Medicine School. She channels Cetacean consciousness and their healing powers, offering Whale Healing and Clearing sessions, Light Body activations and Dolphin DNA Re-calibration sessions for individuals and groups. Her Energy Healing Online School is now enrolling and training Certified Practitioners in this work from all over the world.


Master Cat Puddah “Seth”

Master Cat Puddah is an Ascension Guide, Wisdom teacher and an aspect of the Ancient Soul of Seth.  Seth is a Master Healer and is dedicated to assisting humanity at this time of great transformation.  This Soul has incarnated into the body of a cat five separate times during Laurie Reyon’s life and continues to work in sacred partnership through their telepathic connection. Each time Master Puddah has brought Reyon many gifts; including wisdom, great healing, remembrance of her star lineage and the gift of telepathy.  Master Puddah was instrumental in teaching Reyon to speak telepathically to the dolphins and assisting her in becoming a “voice” for the Dolphins.  At present, “Master Puddah” is incarnated as a female cat whose greatest joy in life is to assist others in raising their vibration through her teachings and healing energy. Master Puddah – Seth asked Reyon to assist her in making the film “Ascension Guidance – Living in Your Sacred Heart.”  During 2018 she assisted Reyon in creating the teaching manuals for the Whale & Dolphin Energy Light Medicine School.  Seth continues to channel Galactic wisdom through Reyon and together they teach many metaphysical and healing classes and webinars.


Master Puddah Quote: “I bring Awareness or Remembrance of Love from the Creator and One Source.  I give birth to a Higher Love whenever that intent is given or allowed for in my presence.”


To connect with Laurie and her work visit: