Promotional Centre

Welcome to the Promotional Centre for Season 12 of the Mundane to Magical Summit. The summit launch date is October 7th.  The promotion period is from Sept 23rd – Oct 6th, 2024.

Below I have provided content for email/ social media for you to use to promote the summit to your list/communities as you see fit. I have also added a unique opt-in link for you to use with your promotions. Please feel free to use the promotional copy as it stands or change the content to reflect your own style.

If you have questions please email me at

Solo Email Template 1:

Subject Heading Options:

Transformation starts from within – Shift your self-perception from the Mundane to the Magical You!

Magical Times call for us to Shift our lives from the Mundane to Magical! 

Reconnect with your Magical Self to Become ALL that you Are!  Join Me on this High Vibrational Summit.

The Times They Are a Changing! – BE the Change you want to see in the world.  


<<Individualised Banner>>

Dear <<Name>>,

I am really excited to share this opportunity to join me and the other Amazing Guest Speakers on this divinely inspired, magical summit to Reclaim your Truth and Manifest your Soul-Fuelled Magical Life as we blast off with Season 12 of the Mundane to Magical Online Summit Series.

Register for this FREE series here: <<speaker link>>

Transformation is the name of the game, as we can all see in both our inner and outer reality.  As we move into the Age of Aquarius, transformation is literally written in the stars!   The Mundane to Magical Summits are spiritually divined to assist us all to traverse these intense and transformational energies as we move through the energies of 2024 and beyond.  However challenging these energies may seem, we are living through amazing times, a time full of opportunities for us to really shift our consciousness to the highest levels.

Are you ready to recognise the Truth that lies within you and Reclaim your Power to Become your SOVEREIGN Self?

Would you like to receive deep insights into the energies we are yet to experience and activations and wisdom to assist your journey back to your MAGICAL Self?

The so called Mundane world that we have perceived ourselves to live within is shifting, we can see and feel this within the disruptive energies of these times.  We are all being called by our hearts to step into a new way of perceiving our lives, to step into our individual truth as our divine selves, as multi-dimensional creator beings, to embrace the magic, support and limitless possibilities that is all around us and create a life, a world fuelled from our souls, our highest aspect of being.  Are YOU ready to shift?

This summit is completely Spirit driven and offers an amazing panel of Special Guest Speakers, to share their journeys of soul re-awakening, their particular brand of magic, light-encoded messages and ancient knowledge to re-awaken the hidden wisdom within you. 

I invite you to join us, not only for my interview/ sharing but for the entire summit,  there is something for everyone here.  

The summit starts on Oct 7th 2024, at the close of another powerful energetic portal of eclipses, a time to begin birthing that which you wish to experience over the coming months, so be sure to register early to have the opportunity to view the speaker list to get a feel for the magic to come and to register for my LIVE call on the <<Date>>!  When you register for the summit you will be joining a growing light-minded community where you shall receive both pre-recorded and LIVE interviews each day as well as receive some really amazing free gifts and special offers too!

Do you want to shift your life from the Mundane to Magical, reclaim your truth and live the life of your dreams?

If so, then this Summit is for you! 


<<speaker link>>

Solo Email Template 2:

Subject Header Options:

Shift your life from Mundane to Magical!  Join Me on this High Vibrational Summit.

We are all being called to Shift our lives from the Mundane to Magical!  Will you join me?

It’s time to reconnect to your Magical Self and Become ALL that you Are!  Join Me on this High Vibrational Summit.

The Times they are a Changing! ~ BE the Change you want to see in the world


<<individualised banner>>

Are you ready to shift your life from Mundane to Magical?  

Do you want to receive some high vibrational light encoded transmissions, wisdom and activations to help you reach your next highest level of soul evolution and ride these crazy times with greater ease?  

Are you wondering what else is coming as we exit the eclipse season and embrace the energies of 2024/2025?  

If so, there is a special event coming up that you might want to join.

I am delighted to be asked by my dear friend, Louise Matson, to be interviewed on her divinely inspired FREE online series “Mundane to Magical:  Reclaim your truth and reconnect to your soul-fuelled magical lives”  The series starts on Oct 7th 2024.

The subject of my interview is: <<Topic Title>>

Pop the date in your diary for the series and for my LIVE interview on:  <<Date>>

Join me and an incredibly magical and intimate line up of amazing leaders and wayshowers, experts in their own personal fields of magic, soul evolution and growth.


To register for this FREE online series you simply need to click the link below:   

<<speaker link>>

Social Media Posts:

Short Facebook Post:

<<Individualised Banner>>

Join me for my interview with my dear friend, Louise Matson, Intuitive Channel, Conduit for Energy Healing, Shamanic Practitioner and host of the “Mundane to Magical” FREE Online Series, where I share in detail light encoded information around “<<Topic Title>>

Join me and this intimate group of incredible leaders and wayshowers, experts in their own fields of magic, soul evolution and growth to dive deeper into topics around how to reclaim the truth of who you truly are as a creator being, reconnect with the magic all around us and live your Soul-fuelled Magical Life!

You don’t want to miss this.  Season 12 of the Mundane to Magical Summit starts Oct 7th 2024.

Gain FREE access to this exciting light-encoded video series and the FREE GIFTS/ SPECIAL OFFERS available from many of the speakers here: <<speaker link>>


Long Facebook Post:

<<individualised banner>>

Join me for Season 12 of The Mundane to MagicaI Summit: Reclaim your Truth and Manifest your Soul-Fuelled Magical Life! with my good friend, Louise Matson.  I am one of an intimate group of wonderful speakers on this magical series divinely inspired to help you shift consciousness and stand in your Sovereignty as a Divine Creator Being!

In this season you will gain powerful tools and insights into:

  • The energies of the current times and what to expect as we continue our journey though 2024 and into 2025
  • The importance of Mastering Your reality
  • The Mayan Calendar and how to work with Mayan Wave Spells
  • The Importance of Bringing Consciousness into your body to optimise your health
  • Manifesting the reality you desire and how the tides of time are changing

Season 12 will be airing from Oct 7th to 12th, 2024, so register now!

Follow this link to participate in this FREE event: <<speaker link>> 

You will be amazed at the generosity of our beautiful speakers through the free gifts and special offers being offered to all who are registered.



<<individualised graphic>>

Join me for my magical interview with Louise Matson on Season 12 of the ‘Mundane to Magical’ FREE online summit.  Reclaim your truth and reconnect to your Magical Soul-fuelled life! Click here to gain access to this FREE summit and my interview airing from Oct 7th to 12th, 2024:  <<speaker link>>



Join me for my magical interview with Louise Matson on Season 12 of the ‘Mundane to Magical’ FREE online summit series.  Reclaim your truth and reconnect to your Magical Soul-fuelled life! Click here to gain access to this FREE summit starting Oct 7th 2024.   <<Speaker Link>>

Summit Banner:

Right Click on the Image to Save

Speaker Graphics:

Right Click on the Images to Save

Email/ Facebook


Nora WalksInSpirit

Peter Tongue

Davyd Farrell

Bella Alvaran

Rebecca O’Reilly