Energize Your Life for High-Vibrational 5D Living with Customized Crystalline Charging Plates, Coasters, Pyramids, Energy Clearings, and now ~ New ~ Dragons!
Experience How Crystal Matrix Clearings and High-Frequency Tools Can:
It Was Like Having God Speak to Me Personally
“I now own one of Karen’s wonderful pyramids. Excellent communication with Karen so she may customize your pyramid especially for you. My pyramid blended into my home and my energy working daily with me. There are many pyramids on the market but not many are made especially for your own personal vibration. Thank you Karen I am excited to own one of your creations.”
~ Kathe Lynn Gaarde
“I just received my (second) pyramid and I had to tell you I was BLOWN AWAY when I took it out of the wrapper. I truly have never seen anything so elegant and I was just awestruck at what was in it. It was like having God speak to me personally. I can’t thank you enough for this work that you’re doing. My first pyramid, which I got after our first session, is so totally different; I keep that one near me all the time and it has become like an extension of my body. I sleep with it under the bed and for the first time in several years I am sleeping through the night My husband, who has been very ill for the last 10 years is now listening to the crystal matrix activations, which is a minor miracle-I could never get him interested in anything energetic I was doing!”
Explore How Karen’s High-Frequency Crystal Charging Plates, Coasters, Pyramids, Energy Clearings and Dragons charge You for Uplifted 5D Living!
In this special offer, Karen LaGrange introduces new products to supercharge the things you use in your daily life. Alongside her unique crystal matrix clearings, and energized custom pyramids, Karen has added customized, intention-infused crystal charging plates and coasters for a powerful and transformative package that can uplift and energize your life and practically everything in it!
Karen knows how important your healing and transformation is to you, so she designed these additional tools to give you 24/7 support in manifesting and creating the best possible life for yourself, wherever you are — your home, office, car, or any other place you desire!
Crystal Matrix Clearings and Custom Charging Plates and Coasters energetically transmute non-beneficial frequencies into positive, high-vibrational energies to uplift your body, food, home, car, and office to the new 5D Earth frequencies.
Used regularly, these beautiful, handcrafted tools will help with protection from negative astral influences or lower toxic energies; de-crystallize negative thought patterns, habits, or energies; excavate and release hidden or buried emotions; and truly heal your mind, body, and emotions. At the next level, they can assist you in fulfilling your dreams and welcoming in health, happiness, peace, joy, comfort, and wealth.
The high-frequency crystal-infused charging plates and coasters will allow you to bless and raise the vibration of the food and beverages you and your family consume for your highest good.
You can also use these tools to raise the vibration of your phone, tablet, laptop, fruits, vegetables, smoothies, and even money, bills, letters, contracts, checkbooks, coins, keys, photos, or anything else that is important to you or your loved ones. Let your imagination about all of the items you can supercharge run wild!
Also available are Karen’s individually crafted and energized crystal pyramids, each tailored to the specific recipient it is intended for. Created and personalized for you, each crystal and copper-embedded pyramid will be infused with your personal energy and desired intention.
As such, Karen will intuit the optimal colors and embellishments for each creation. Wherever placed — in your home, at work, or perhaps in your car, you will feel a sense of harmony and balance no matter where you are.
As These Are Intuitively Handmade and Customised, No Two Crystal-Infused Charging Plates, Coasters or Pyramids Are Alike!
Discover How a Magically Powerful Piece of Art Attuned to Your Unique Essence Can Impact Your Being!!
You Will Also Receive These
Crystal Clearing Items
Karen Has Included These Crystal Clearing Bonuses to Invite in Positive Uplifting Energies
Bonus 1: Clearing Negative Thoughts from Others
MP3 – Value: $35
Runtime: 6 Minutes
Are you tired of feeling lifeless, sick, or low on energy? Are you wondering why you seem to have lost your ambition to do anything, even the simple act of going outside for some fresh air? It could be that you have picked up and are being influenced by other people’s negativity!
In this powerful clearing, Karen assists you to easily and quickly release any negativity affecting you in any way from this or any lifetime that came as a result of negative or low-vibration people cursing, hexing, wishing you ill will, or sending you negativity in any way — known or unknown.
Call back all of your energy that has been scattered from negative people or simply being around others’ negativity. Reclaim and stand in your Power. Reconnect to your divine birthright of Light, Love, Abundance, Happiness, Joy, and High Vibration NOW!
Bonus 2: Clearing Your Home
MP3 – Value: $35
Runtime: 7 Minutes
Does your home feel like the high-vibrational and loving sanctuary you intend it to be? If not, let Karen walk you through a simple and effective technique to clear the energy of your home and instill it with all of the frequencies you desire to inhabit, so that you can truly relax and enjoy a loving and peaceful home environment.
You and your voice are the only tool necessary for this clearing. Karen will guide you on the steps and commands that take a few minutes to perform to clear your entire home quickly. You will feel the effects of any energy that is not of a high vibration or aligned to your highest good and intentions leaving immediately.
Your home is a living entity that supports you, and you can direct the energy within your space to be powerful, supportive, happy, loving, caring, considerate, and high frequency. Anything that is not aligned with what you want, or any stuck energies or entities of a lower vibration will be shown the door and taken to back to the Light.
Bonus 3: Clearing Your Food
MP3 – Value: $35
Runtime: 5 Minutes
In this track, Karen explains why it is so important and powerful not only to clear your food but to bless it. Especially in modern times when our food often passes through many hands and vibrations before we purchase, cook, or eat it, we may inadvertently be picking up many undesired negative or toxic frequencies.
Learn how effective it is to transmute and raise the frequency of your food, water, and beverages at multiple points instead of just when served. Learn how to command that anything of a negative or harmful vibration leave your food or beverages immediately. After you have cleared your food, Karen teaches you how to confidently send love and light into your food, supercharging it for your highest good. This technique also works for eating out and even fast food.
Bonus 4: Releasing Negativity Around Love
MP3 – Value: $35
Runtime: 7 Minutes
What is stopping you from really feeling and being love? For most of us, we have likely experienced many hurts and disappointments with love throughout our lives starting as young children and continuing through adulthood to now.
In this clearing, Karen will help you to identify and release some of those blocks and energies that may still be affecting you and keeping you from your highest expression and receiving of divine love.
From feeling misunderstood in sharing our love, to feeling that our love was not returned back to us as we had hoped or imagined, to difficult relationships, learn how you can lovingly let all of those old, sorrowful emotions that have accumulated release out of your heart and energy field. Transform your relationships with everyone including family, friends, past or current lovers, and even co-workers to a higher state of warm, true, unconditional love!
Bonus 5: 40-Minute Live Group Crystal Matrix Clearing
Via Zoom
Value: $100
Date to Be Announced
Karen extends to you a special invitation to join her for a LIVE Group Crystal Matrix Clearing.
This is a rare opportunity to work with Karen in a group setting. Facilitated by the dynamic of the group energy, Karen will tune in and offer a heartfelt, energy-filled experience that will open you to receive and direct intention to manifest the love, joy, peace, harmony and abundance you are seeking. During the session, you will directly experience the healing power of the Crystal Matrix Tool and Karen’s guidance, through Source, to clear blocks and fear from your field.
This will be an interactive session that will include Q&A.
Note: A replay of the call will be available.
Crystal Matrix Dragons
(Value: $197)
** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **
Dragon energy is extremely powerful. The same high vibration crystals are used as in the other product creations. The dragons come with intelligence, wisdom, and healing. Their majestic presence make them symbols of the qualities of lucky, wise, bravery, intelligence, and ambition. To walk with the dragon is to enter the Room of Ancient High Magic Dragons. They are a symbol of protection; the spiritual meaning is a totem of protection.
Dragons are from a matrix beyond human thinking. When we intuitively feel from the heart they are the gatekeepers to our next journeys. These masters of peace and light show us how to direct the energy of creation. The dragon’s medicine includes change and transformation, wisdom in longevity and more. Asia dragons are everywhere
Crystal Matrix Dragons energetically balance and align the chakras and meridians of the body as well as work on physical spaces such as homes or offices. Used regularly for clearing and healing, these tools will help with protection from negative astral influences or energies, de-crystallize negative thought patterns or habits, excavate and release hidden or buried emotions, and truly heal your mind, body, and emotions. At the next level, they can assist you in fulfilling your dreams and welcoming in health, happiness, peace, joy, comfort, and wealth.
“Once you begin to work with Dragon Energy, your life will never be the same again…this is powerful, and interestingly familiar to anyone who begins this journey.
There are Dragon Guardians, for every soul, and they each also have their own Guardians, and so on …There are Dragons, in every part of the World, in all different colour’s, sizes and abilities…
As you begin to work with your Dragon, or get to know them again, you will begin to sense what the purpose of your Dragon is, and where it is from…You may also begin to understand, that this Dragon has worked with you many times over, as you have come back to Earth, in many different lifetimes, and places…” ~ B Devine
A unique work of art, each dragon is created for you by Karen with the highest vibration crystals, copper, and materials available. Karen will tune into your energy field and create a custom piece that is tailored for your highest good and expansion.
A Personal Custom Pyramid designed to Your Personal Energy!
(Value: $197)
** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **
Karen will create a custom pyramid to include your personal intention on what you’d like to manifest in your life.
A unique work of art, each 4-½″ × 4-½″ pyramid is custom-created with the highest vibration crystals, copper and brass. Karen’s custom pyramids naturally balance and align the chakras and meridians. Used on a daily basis for meditation and healing, it helps protect you from astral influences or energies, de-crystallizes negative patterns or habits and can truly heal your mind, body and emotions.
These energy infused works of art will:
No Two Pyramids Are Alike!
Each One Is Intuitively Handcrafted and Personalized
Personal Custom Pyramid
You will receive:
~Personal Custom Pyramid designed to Your Personal Energy!
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Limited Time Offer!
Option 1
Crystal-Infused Charging Plate (Value: $147)
** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **
One-of-a-Kind, High-Frequency Crystal Charging Plates!
Supercharge Your Food, Beverages, Money, Correspondence, and So Much More!
In her newest creation for 2019, Karen LaGrange offers beautiful customized, intention-infused plates as a powerful and transformative tool for daily use that can uplift and energize all of your food, drinks, money, and anything else you can imagine!
Use regularly for clearing and energizing your food, beverages, and so much more. Get protection from negative energies and lower frequencies and allow your food and beverages to truly heal your mind, body, and soul. Welcome in health and well-being with everything you ingest or use! Clear your letters, resumes, job applications, legal documents, money, currency, and so much more to create and manifest happiness, peace, joy, comfort, and wealth.
A unique work of art, each charging plate and coaster is created with the highest vibration crystals, copper, and other materials available. Karen will tune into your energy field and create a custom piece that is tailored for your highest health, wealth, and expansion. Order these for yourself and family members and loved ones!
Each individually crafted and energized crystal charging plate is tailor-made to the specific recipient it is intended for. As such, Karen will intuit the optimal crystals, elements, colors, and embellishments for each creation.
No Two Plates Are Alike — Each Is Intuitively Handmade and Customized!
Please note that there is only one size available for this offer.
Charging Plates are approximately 7-½″ in diameter, which is large enough to place your food, fruit, vegetables, and other items you wish to energize!
Option 1
Crystal-Infused Charging Plate
You will receive:
~1 Charging Plate
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $387
75% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
Option 2
Includes everything in Option 1, PLUS:
Crystal-Infused Charging Coaster (Value: $97)
** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **
To expand the supercharging effectiveness for your life everywhere you go, Karen has also designed beautiful, square-shaped 3-½″ × 3-½″ high-frequency coasters that are easy to bring with you and be used no matter where you are.
Place one in your car or your office to help uplift the frequencies around you and keep your beverages, food, work documents, etc. supercharged and high vibrating!
Your handmade, intention-infused, crystal charging coaster will compliment your charging plate and also be aligned to your energy.
And just as Karen personalized your charging plate, she will tune in to the specific recipient each coaster is intended for and intuit the optimal crystals, elements, colors, and embellishments for each custom creation.
With this portable companion coaster for your home, car, or office, you will feel a sense of harmony and balance no matter where you are!!
No Two Coasters Are Alike!
Each One Is Intuitively Handcrafted and Personalized
Option 2
Option 1 + Crystal-Infused Charging Coaster
You will receive:
~1 Charging Coaster
~1 Charging Plate
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $484
70% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
Option 3
Includes everything in Option 2, PLUS:
Custom Personal Pyramid (Value: $257)
** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **
Karen will create a custom pyramid to include your personal intention on what you’d like to manifest in your life.
A unique work of art, each 4-½″ × 4-½″ pyramid is custom-created with the highest vibration crystals, copper and brass. Karen’s custom pyramids naturally balance and align the chakras and meridians. Used on a daily basis for meditation and healing, it helps protect you from astral influences or energies, de-crystallizes negative patterns or habits and can truly heal your mind, body and emotions.
These energy infused works of art will:
Option 3
Option 2 + Custom Personal Pyramid
You will receive:
~ 1 Custom Personal Pyramid
~ 1 Charging Coaster
~1 Charging Plate
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $741
60% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
Option 4
Includes everything in Option 3, PLUS:
30-Minute Crystal Clearing Session with Karen (Value: $175)
** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **
Via Phone or Skype
Enhance Your Crystal Charging Plate, Coaster, and Pyramid Purchase with a Private Energy Healing Session!
Clear Specific Areas in Your Life to Move Forward and Create the Life of Your Dreams!
Working with Karen one-on-one has the potential to transform your life.
She will help restore and enhance your well-being through her transformative Crystal Matrix Clearing.
In your time together, Karen will tune into your energy to help clear and release what is no longer serving you that is blocking you from happiness, health, connection, and abundance.
This powerful session will clear your existing energetic space by eliminating hidden negative energies and inviting in beneficial, high-vibrational energies to balance and harmonize your life.
A clearing can help remove stuck patterns from your energy field that may have been keeping you from moving forward and creating the life of your dreams. Benefits will be experienced at all levels.
Previous clients have experienced mental relief from stress and anxiety, reduction of chronic physical pain, and resolution of emotional issues at the deepest and even subconscious levels.
Areas of Focus May Include:
Replace Blocks, Discomfort, and Fear with Clarity, Comfort, Peace, Vitality, Wealth, and Joy!
Option 4
Option 3 + A 30-Minute Session with Karen
You will receive:
~ A 30-Minute Session with Karen
~ 1 Custom Personal Pyramid or Dragon
~ 1 Charging Coaster
~1 Charging Plate
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $916
59% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
Option 5
30-Minute Crystal Clearing Session with Karen (Value: $175) Plus Bonuses
Via Phone or Skype
Clear Specific Areas in Your Life to Move Forward and Create the Life of Your Dreams!
Working with Karen one-on-one has the potential to transform your life.
She will help restore and enhance your well-being through her transformative Crystal Matrix Clearing.
In your time together, Karen will tune into your energy to help clear and release what is no longer serving you that is blocking you from happiness, health, connection, and abundance.
This powerful session will clear your existing energetic space by eliminating hidden negative energies and inviting in beneficial, high-vibrational energies to balance and harmonize your life.
A clearing can help remove stuck patterns from your energy field that may have been keeping you from moving forward and creating the life of your dreams. Benefits will be experienced at all levels.
Previous clients have experienced mental relief from stress and anxiety, reduction of chronic physical pain, and resolution of emotional issues at the deepest and even subconscious levels.
Areas of Focus May Include:
Replace Blocks, Discomfort, and Fear with Clarity, Comfort, Peace, Vitality, Wealth, and Joy!
Option 5
A 30-Minute Session with Karen
You will receive:
~ A 30-Minute Session with Karen
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $415
77% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
About Karen’s Crystal Creations
Karen uses the 13 most powerful stones in the world for positive transformation and upliftment!! These stones speed up your evolution and assist you in quickly finding your highest destiny!
Note: Karen will intuit the optimal ratio of stones, crystals, colors, and embellishments for each creation.
Azeztulite has become legendary for its powerful metaphysical properties! It is the stone that carries the most exclusive and exotic of vibrations! As a high-vibration stone, it will help quickly relieve you of anything that causes you pain or discomfort.
It’s said that Azeztulite holds a special vibration that is associated with the third eye, your spiritual vision. You can have a glimpse of your future when using this stone with your third eye chakra!
Herkimer Diamonds have many powerful properties! These crystals, beyond almost all other, are manifestations of pure solidified spiritual light. They emanate a high, harmonious energy that positively sings on the upper levels of the quartz vibrational spectrum. Herkimer are ideal for body layouts, dream work, mediation pieces, jewelry, templates, energy tools or just about any other application.
Herkimer diamonds not only broadcast their energies-they can also pick up and magnify the frequencies of other stones.
This can be of great help when one is using a tiny specimen, such as a small Herderite, or a ‘soft-energy’ stone such as a Morganite. In the first case, the Herkimer can make a small stone feel as strong as a larger one, and in the second case, it can strengthen the effects of some of the gentler stones.
Phenacite activates Intuitive & Psychic Abilities and Promotes Enhanced Brain Function.
Phenacite is the supreme stone of the third-eye chakra! Its pulsing energies are so strong that they can be felt by almost anyone, even by people not normally sensitive to crystal energies! The opening and activation of the third-eye offered by Phenacite is stronger than you can receive from nearly any other stone! It can awaken your dormant special capacities that originate in the prefrontal lobes. This can bring spontaneous experiences of telepathy, psychokinesis, prophetic vision and remote viewing.
Petalite is the Stone of Intent and can be used to enhance all the psychic powers such as telepathy and clairvoyance, and to help you attune to the knowledge of your Dharma, or path of highest destiny!
They have also been used to help people with cancer. Petalites are one of the most powerful activators to the third-eye and crown chakras! They are also stones of vision. They can gently open the inner-eye, allowing the questing mind to discover multiple new horizons. They expand your other worlds!
Healers are advised to wear Petalite during a session with their clients as this will open the spiritual channel through which the healing energies are accessed. Placing the crystal on the appropriate chakra will help to open that channel for them as well.
Surprisingly for a stone of such high vibration, Petalite also has a grounding aspect that allows one to stay connected to earthly life while one explores the inner dimensions it opens. It is also a stone of manifestation. One must be very clear as to your intent when working with a Petalite, as it will help you to manifest it into the material world!
Rhodizite is known as “The Master Crystal” and extremely rare. Rhodizite is one of the most powerful stones in the world!
These crystals are Lemurian in origin and they were known in Lemuria as “The Master Crystal.” This is a beautiful, well-formed crystal. These crystals have the remarkable ability to amplify the energy and properties of any stone by over tenfold! This Rhodizite can also be placed on each of the chakras to activate, cleanse and align all seven chakras at once! When paired with another stone they exhibit a noticeable magnetic attraction. Even though there are no magnetic minerals in this stone, they will almost attach to other stones on their own.
Promotes Learning and Increases Brain Capacity.
Herderite is one of the most powerful stones in the world and it can enhance your consciousness, quicken your evolution, unlock new abilities, increase brain capacity, psychic abilities, and enhance memory creativity and learning.
Powerful Metaphysical Properties.
Natrolite is one of the two or three most powerful stones for stimulation of the third-eye and crown chakras. When one works in mediation holding a Natrolite to one or both points, a strong pulsing energy moves into the chakra, pulling chakric vibrations into resonance with the Nadorite’s emanations. This begins a process by which the third-eye and crown chakra link and expand creating the experience in which one feels as if they have merged into a single huge chakra, pulsing with light and may find one’s eyes involuntarily crossing and looking upward toward the third-eye.
Copper is believed to be a lucky stone and is known to amplify your thoughts and may boost the sending of messages via thought. It may enhance the creation of loving relationships and loving actions. It can help you to feel more self-reliant, less dependent on others and more able to take action when required.
All Diamonds have a very spiritual vibration and they resonate within the highest chakras bringing spiritual light into the body from the soul star chakra down through the crown chakra and third eye chakra to the heart chakra. They are positive stones that assist you to find the light and they have a powerful effect to aid the brain.
Danburite (Rose Quartz) Crystal is a pink quartz crystal whose meaning is about love, as it is a stone that epitomizes the vibration of love. This may be why this stone is symbolic of the energy of love, peace and calming energy. One of the facts about Rose Quartz Crystal is that is very important, is its effectiveness at healing personal relationships.
Energy, Vitality and Sensuality… the Ruby stone is well known as a deep red gemstone and crystal. It is an excellent stone for recharging your energy levels and it may stimulate your mind to be more positive and self-assured. Its striking color is analogous of its energy, which is very effective for encouraging vitality, sensuality and sexual energy. As well, this lovely red crystal may assist you to overcome sexual dysfunction and attract new love. This is a very much a heart centered stone and it epitomizes the Divine love of the Creator. It is a stone manifestation and will also support the retention of wealth of all sorts.
Emeralds emit the green ray, a vibration that will open the heart chakra and draw love into your life. This lovely stone has many excellent qualities. Sapphirine is an interesting stone and metaphysical properties of stones like these are known to have mixed effects in different individuals. Many people’s experience of this crystal is that it creates a soothing and quite deeply calming action. Used in mediation it may help you to slip into a deep and tranquil state and it is helpful if you do journey work to assists you to return safely. It is also known to be a cleansing crystal that helps you to release issues that need to be let go of including past life issues. This may allow you to improve your life and to get onto the right path.
Sapphirine is an interesting stone and metaphysical properties of stones like these are known to have mixed effects in different individuals. With this crystal, many report that it creates a soothing and a deeply calming reaction. When used in mediation, it may help you to slip into a deep and tranquil state and it is helpful if you do journey work by assisting you in returning safely. It is also known to be a cleansing crystal that helps you to release issues that need to be let go of including past life issues.
Symbols and Totems
Karen taps into your energy and lets Source or Spirit select if there are any reiki symbols or other symbols or totems such as Chinese coins, Egyptian sand, etc. that would be beneficial for you.
It is always perfect and what you need as support for your next level of transformation.
Benefits may include manifesting wealth, abundance, restoring health, attracting more love, and clearing negativity from your home, office, bedroom, food, money, documents, and anything else you can think of.
Below Are a Sampling of the Types of Symbols Karen May Include:
Crystal Matrix Dragons
You will receive:
~1 Crystal Matrix Dragons
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $197
30% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Limited Time Offer!
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
United States:
Shipping: $15
United States:
Shipping: $35
Personal Custom Pyramid
You will receive:
~Personal Custom Pyramid
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
United States:
Shipping: $15
United States:
Shipping: $35
Option 1
Crystal-Infused Charging Plate
You will receive:
~1 Charging Plate
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $387
75% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Limited Time Offer!
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
United States:
Shipping: $15
United States:
Shipping: $35
Option 2
Option 1 + Crystal-Infused Charging Coaster
You will receive:
~1 Charging Coaster
~1 Charging Plate
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $484
70% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
United States:
Shipping: $15
United States:
Shipping: $40
Option 3
Option 2 + Custom Personal Pyramid
You will receive:
~ 1 Custom Personal Pyramid
~ 1 Charging Coaster
~1 Charging Plate
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $741
60% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
United States:
Shipping: $20
United States:
Shipping: $50
Option 4
Option 3 + A 30-Minute Session with Karen
You will receive:
~ A 30-Minute Session with Karen
~ 1 Custom Personal Pyramid
~ 1 Charging Coaster
~1 Charging Plate
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $916
59% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
United States:
Shipping: $20
United States:
Shipping: $50
Option 5
A 30-Minute Session with Karen
You will receive:
~ A 30-Minute Session with Karen
~ 4 Crystal Clearings MP3s
~ 1 Live Group Call with Karen
Total Value: $415
77% Off
Mundane to Magical
Special Offer Price:
Included: Activation Instructions
There are NO REFUNDS on Pyramids or Services.
It Was Like Having God Speak to Me Personally
“I just received my (second) pyramid and I had to tell you I was BLOWN AWAY when I took it out of the wrapper. I truly have never seen anything so elegant and I was just awestruck at what was in it. It was like having God speak to me personally. I can’t thank you enough for this work that you’re doing. My first pyramid, which I got after our first session, is so totally different; I keep that one near me all the time and it has become like an extension of my body. I sleep with it under the bed and for the first time in several years I am sleeping through the night My husband, who has been very ill for the last 10 years is now listening to the crystal matrix activations, which is a minor miracle-I could never get him interested in anything energetic I was doing!”
Amazing! Nightmares Gone and Peaceful Sleep for My Little Boy
” Wow… I placed this pyramid in my son’s room after he had repeated nightmares. The night I placed it there they STOPPED. As the host of You Wealth Revolution, I’ve been clearing the energy of my home for years, but Karen’s pyramid was able to do things instantly and hold the effect. Thank you, Karen, for helping my little boy sleep soundly and in peace!” ~ DARIUS M BARAZANDEH Host and Founder, You Wealth Revolution Network
I Remembered How to Love for Myself
“Thank you, Karen LaGrange, so much for helping me through my stress and difficult times. You are amazing and so calmly listen and say ‘ok, let’s go. Do you love love yourself unconditionally?’ I did not love myself so that stuck in my head. Yes, now I love myself.” ~ MEHAR
Absolutely Gorgeous and Powerful
“I just got the mail and yes, indeed, the Pyramids have arrived. They are absolutely gorgeous AND powerful. I can feel the Energy as I was holding it and examining all that is contained inside it. So, so Beautiful — Thank You. How amazing that there are two hearts in it and it arrived on Valentine’s Day.” ~ DEBRA MORRISON
Works of Art and a Very High Vibe
“Karen is a true *gem*! [pun intended] I had an enlightening phone session with her and experienced that amazing crystal box. She is a genuine person who very accurately confirmed some specific circumstances in my life that were ready to be cleared. And I emphasize the word accurate! I received my pyramids (I purchased 2 with the offer) a couple days ago and they are beautiful!! I want more! They look like works of art for one thing and are so special and unique — very high vibe. I sincerely recommend to anyone, especially those who may on the fence about it, schedule a session with Karen and invest in at least 1 pyramid. She is truly gifted. Please bring her back on your show again soon!” ~ AMY H.
A Pyramid to Work with My Personal Vibration
”I now own one of Karen’s wonderful pyramids. Excellent communication with Karen so she may customize your pyramid especially for you. My pyramid blended into my home and my energy working daily with me. There are many pyramids on the market but not many are made especially for your own personal vibration. Thank you Karen I am excited to own one of your creations.” ~ KATHE LYNN GAARDE
OMG the Energy in It Is Profound!
”My Pyramid came today!!! OMG, the energy in it is profound, and I am LOVING it!!! Thank you, Karen Lagrange! I am Truly Grateful and SO happy that your Pyramids ‘found ME’.” ~ KAREN
Incredible Physical Healing
”I have been using the pyramid daily for 2+ weeks since receiving it and have had incredible physical healing. My feet were swollen causing me to have problems with walking and finding comfy shoes — I used the pyramid… swelling GONE! I had problems with my lower legs with hardened spots/nodules — used the pyramid, almost all of them are GONE! Had some problems with pain in a kidney causing problems sleeping — used the pyramid… no more pain, sleep like a baby! Had a very bad injury to my shoulder that was taking more than 18 months to heal — used the pyramid, almost at 100% RESTORATION. Have had a problem with one of my knees causing me much constant pain while awake and during sleep. Was afraid that I would need a surgical replacement — used pyramid, almost at 100% Restoration. I Am Amazed and very grateful for her work. ~ GIGI B.
Shifted Upper Back and Tooth Pain
”Karen’s work is powerful, and her intuition is out of this world. She has helped me shift my upper back pain, issues with a tooth and money blocks. What a gift to receive healing from Karen Lagrange! Her generosity of spirit and kindness is evident in all her work — to me that’s the mark of a great healer, the kindness of heart that just flows into all her work with you.~ JADE H.
No Longer in Tears from the Pain
”Karen’s crystal matrix has been really helpful. I had severe pain radiating from my right hand to elbow where I could barely move or even hold a cup of tea. One session with Karen and her crystal matrix started the healing process and within 24 hours I was no longer in tears from the pain. Within a week, my right side feels nearly 95% without doctors and pain killers. Karen is a true miracle worker. I love the buzzing feeling I get with the crystal matrix is working. It is an experience that will change your life!” ~ KATE D.
Released Sooner from the Hospital
“Karen thank you for the session you did on me with the Crystal Matrix box. It did amazing things for me. I am feeling fantastic. Sounds like they will be releasing me a lot sooner from the hospital now. Thank you for my beautiful Pyramid it is really powerful.” ~ SANDRA RAE
It Was Off the Charts AMAZING!
”Karen and her crystal matrix cleared many things. When she was done and I did some breathing and stretching, not only did some energy shift but I climbed back in my car, and completely stalled traffic started moving after at least a 1/2 hour or more of not moving an inch! It was one of the things I asked to clear! Called in the power of my pyramid, too, with Karen’s loving direction and voila! It was off the charts AMAZING! So happy I remembered and called in and raised my hand! ~ GEORGIA SIEGNER
Opened Me Up to How Much My Mum Loved Me
”Karen, you did a powerful session for me that helped me to shift some deep issues of feeling unloved by my Mum. In just moments, you confirmed that my Mum had loved me very much and still does. You healed the pain I had been feeling for so long, giving me clarity that the things that hurt me the most, my Mum had done when she was not in the right state of mind. You gave me vision of her offering me flowers — Roses. She used to have a beautiful rose garden and her favorite rose was the ‘Silver Jubilee.’ I shared that for years I had felt that she was trying to communicate with me. Over the course of just a few days, I got some powerful insights about what she wanted me to know. I asked you to check with my Mum, if I got them all. You confirmed that I had. The work you did with me opened me up to how much my Mum had loved me and how she has helped me and supported me over the years, with other family members who have passed.” ~ SHASHI
Uncanny Ability to See into Who We Are
“This is a testimony to my deepest and sincerest thanks to the most loving, understanding, and quite possibly most evolved intuitive spiritual healer I have ever come across in my years of study and research. It’s no mistake that Karen Lagrange is the real deal — body, mind, heart and soul. She has an uncanny ability to see into who we are all the way through. She feels into your energy when she’s taking you through your journey. I’m 58 years old I’m a mother of three and I’m a lover of all mankind and all animals. My heart has been a victim of many unfortunate circumstances that led me down the path, bringing me to who I am today. For that, I am eternally grateful that Karen could see all of this and me.” ~ TANIA ROBICHAU
OMG the Energy in It Is Profound!
”My Pyramid came today!!! OMG, the energy in it is profound, and I am LOVING it!!! Thank you, Karen Lagrange! I am Truly Grateful and SO happy that your Pyramids ‘found ME’.” ~ KAREN
Breathtakingly Beautiful Does Not Do Justice to Your Incredible Designs!
”I LOVE my pyramids!! Exquisite! Breathtakingly beautiful does not do justice to your incredible designs!! I will use and treasure them ALWAYS! Continue to be blessed and share your talents with the world; they are so needed in these times.” ~ CARYL
Sleeping More Soundly and Easily
”Karen’s pyramids are incredible. I usually wake up 3–4 times each night and have trouble going back to sleep. I have been sleeping next to my pyramid since I received it in Feb. and sleep more soundly and easily. Even my dogs would sometimes sleep with their head on the pyramid!! While things in my life have not gotten any easier, I find I can handle it much easier and I am sure it will improve more as I start to work with my pyramid more!! Highly recommended. Everyone needs a pyramid or 2 or 3 from Karen!” ~ KATE
Karen La Grange
Karen is a natural born Healer! Having a session with Karen has the potential to transform your life. She is a powerful channel for the Angelic Kingdom and for Loved ones who have transitioned.
In a private session, or on the telephone Karen tunes into you to create a Custom Pyramid just for you, that is unique for You! Karen was Divinely led by Spirit to start making these pyramids and using highest vibrational frequencies of copper, and, Herkimer diamonds, real diamonds, other precious stones and 12 of most powerful stones in the world for positive transformation and raising your vibration!
Karen’s pyramids take days to make and are made in layers and have exactly the energies you need to transform many issues that are keeping you blocked and stuck in your life. She uses the highest vibrational crystals and metals to bring about healing and clearing to the homes and office space of her clients.
Karen was Divinely guided to get the Crystal Matrix and start making these pyramids several years ago.
Both clear your energies, the Crystal Matrix works in the moment – as Karen helps and talks you through the clearings. The pyramids reveal their powers by their sheer presence! Like when her husband was diagnosed with Cancer, Karen made pyramids and put them under his bed and in his room. His cancer is undetected!